What’s Your Contribution?

I haven’t written in a while. Perhaps because I don’t like to force it. I write what comes to me and lately, nothing has. With so many things weighing on my I just felt the need to sit down and write.

What a challenge the last couple years has been for so many people, myself included. From my accident in December 2019 to covid in 2020 and now this second wave in 2021 that has impacted so many people I care about. It’s been a wild ride.

I try to stay positive and I know my friends and family probably get tired of my “#nobaddays” texts. I still maintain that there are no bad days, just bad moments that interrupt our good days. It just feels like there sure have been a lot of interruptions lately.

On top of all the sickness and hardships, the political and civil unrest is so disheartening. So many people fight and arguing. So much hate and disgust for the opposition. And why? Everyone is just so concerned with being right. People forget that being wrong is where enlightenment comes from, as long as you accept it. It makes me sad to witness all of this. To witness the decline in our ability to simply disagree and go on with our lives. When did that become so hard? When we focus on our few but polarizing differences, we lose sight of our many and unifying similarities. Don’t get me wrong, there are people in this world that absolutely and unequivocally just need to be curb stomped. I believe that to be the minority and believe that most people have an innate ability to disagree but get along. But somewhere along the way that has become less important to us. Why?

We can do better. Not just because we should but because we can. We all want to leave a better world for our children and I’m no different in that regard. But what about us? We are still in the game. Do we not deserve peace and happiness as well? My generation has witnessed so much, been a part of so much, accomplished so much. We deserve it but through our own self-absorbtion we haven’t earned it. I say instead of trying to create a better world for our children, we create a better world for ourselves and then pass that world on to them, along with a great understanding of what it take to maintain it. I guess this has just been a long, drawn-out, “rainbows and unicorns” way of saying that everyone needs to shut the hell up, refocus, realign and rethink the way we interact with one another. The sooner we stop worrying about where we fit in society and start worrying about what we are contributing to society, the better off we will be. Love y’all 😘